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Ponderosa Pine Tree

The Warrior card is represented by Sloan, a Ponderosa Pine Tree.

~ Warrior Wisdom~

Sloan and the Ponderosa Pine Tree People wish to talk about what it means to be a Sacred Warrior. They say that Sacred Warriors are humble, honorable, respectful, courageous and live their life in service to others. They are the protectors of those who cannot protect themselves and defenders of all that is Sacred. They give freely and generously of themselves and all that they have, never expecting anything in return. They are towers of strength, truth and integrity who lead others by being a living example of all that they stand for and believe in. The Sacredness of these Warriors stems from love. To open our hearts to loving completely and unconditionally is the greatest act of vulnerability and courage that we will ever perform.


~ The Roots ~

Sloan and the Ponderosa Pine Tree People have stepped forward because you are a Sacred Warrior and are being called to service.  Regardless of where you currently find yourself on your journey, Sloan and the Ponderosa Pine Tree People say that, “Now is the time to step more fully into your role of assisting the greater good”. They ask that you release any self-imposed limitations and beliefs that you may have and let your heart lead the way. The say that by following the guidance of your heart, you will be able to aid and honor all living things, whether it be humanity, animals, or the land from a place of pure, Unconditional Love. The most powerful force of all.




Coconut Palm Tree

The Generosity card is represented by Sarah, a Coconut Palm Tree.

~ Warrior Wisdom~

Sarah and the Coconut Palm Tree People come to us with the message of generosity and not being wasteful. They show us this in giving of every part of themselves. They ask us to give freely, expecting nothing in return or it is not truly giving and that giving of ourselves is the greatest gift we can give to another. They ask that we not be wasteful and give all that we do not need to those who would otherwise go without.


~ The Roots ~

Sarah and the Coconut Palm Tree People want you to incorporate more ways in which you can extend your generosity to others. They ask that you not get hung up on the need to make a big gesture and say that sometimes it is the smallest of gestures that are the most impactful and meaningful. They would have you know that you do not need to have material wealth in order to be generous, as generosity also encompasses freely giving of your time, effort, gifts and talents from a place of caring and love. The spirit of generosity cultivates joy and compassion and has the potential to touch the lives and hearts of many.



Divine Protector

Maple Tree

The Divine Protector card is represented by Osmund, a Maple Tree.

~Warrior Wisdom~

Osmund and the Maple Tree People talk about what it means to be a Protector of all that is Sacred. They tell us that this is one of the most important aspects of being a Sacred Warrior and that the foundational concept to understanding this is knowing that ALL life is Sacred. To protect something is to defend and take care of it. Whether it be our loved ones, relationships, a way of life, an animal, the environment, the water, a cause we believe in, or even ourselves we must do whatever is necessary to protect it and keep it safe from harm. This is especially important for those who have no voice of their own. The responsibility that comes with being the voice for those who cannot speak for themselves is a Sacred act in itself and should be taken seriously, held in the highest esteem, handled with the utmost of care and acted upon with wisdom and for the greatest good of ALL concerned.


~The Roots~

Osmund and the Maple Tree People ask you to assess whether something or someone in your life needs protection. If so, this is your call to action. Whether it be yourself, a family member, a friend, a child, a forest, a pond, an animal, the destruction of ecosystems or even a genus of flower that is in danger, the time to act is NOW! If you are not familiar with the protector mindset, you can start by looking for ways to be helpful to the people around you. Speak up for those that cannot or are too afraid to speak for themselves. Start a petition for a cause you care about or defend someone from being criticized or attacked. Osmund and the Maple Tree People ask that you not get held up by the “I’m just one person, what can I do?” mentality and say “Let there be no doubt, one person – YOU - can make a profound difference in another’s life and this world”.

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